Updated on February 1, 2023

Tag Organization Rules

Creating tags on the fly as you're analyzing your qualitative data, puts them in the 'Uncategorized' category. Depending on the number of tags created, it might get cumbersome to then organize these into categories.

Automatic tag organization rules can help you keep things tidy. You can specify rules to automatically file your on-the-fly created tags into the right category.

Create rules to organize your new research tags.
Create rules to organize your new research tags.

On the Tag Category Rules modal, simply add the prefix you want to match for and the category the tag should end up in. For example, we can create the following rule:

All new tags that start with PP: should end up in the category Pain Point automatically.

This rule would then make sure that as we're creating new tags within our user research project, if the tag starts with "PP:" it gets filed under the Pain Point category. Researchers no longer have to do the extra work of re-organizing uncategorized tags once coding is done!

A few constraints to keep in mind:

  • A prefix has to be unique across project.
  • prefix is case insensitive.