Manage interview questions
UserBit interview module provides you with a flexible framework for preparing your interview questions.
Types of questions

Questions can be of two types:
Single questions
These are regular questions that you can add to interview and record a response for.
Grouped questions
Grouped questions can contain subquestions. These help you cluster questions under the same theme. In the figure above, constraints is an example of grouped questions.
Manage Questions for interviews
The Interview groups allow you to manipulate questions for all interviews in the group at once.
Reorder Questions
You can drag questions by their handler (on the left) to change their position in the question-list.

Reordering questions on the group level also reorders them for every interview in the group.
Add new questions
You can add new questions to the group. Adding new question adds them to all interviews in the group. You can add a new question in 3 ways:

- Create a new question.
- Import existing questions from 1) other groups within the project, 2) other projects.
- Import questions from a CSV files - this does not support grouped questions.

Edit questions
You can edit a question to change its text. Editing a question will change its content universally everywhere it has been used.
Remove questions
You can remove questions from a group at any time. Removing a question does not delete them (or the corresponding responses). They are just removed from the group and can be added back at any time.
Delete questions
If you want to permanently delete a question from your project, you can do so by picking Delete from the question menu.
Note: Grouped questions are treated as one unit, therefore, you cannot remove them. You can hide them instead.

Move existing questions into groups
you can also drag questions into and out of groups to change the structure of your interviews

What if you only wanted to change questions for one interview?
You can also manage questions at the interview level. Just click on Manage Questions on the interview menu.
All changes made here (other than editing) will only affect this particular interview.

From the resulting panel, you can
- Add questions
- Remove questions
- Reorder questions
- Edit questions
- Hide subquestions