What are Insights on UserBit?
Insights, in the UserBit world are to-the-point actionable findings that come out of your research. They could represent a feature request priority, a hidden pain point that comes out of interviews, or in general anything that you want to bubble up from your research.
In most research projects, insight nuggets are what you want to present to your stakeholders.
On a fundamental level, UserBit insights consist of two parts:
- Summarized finding that came out of your research which provides context around your evidence.
- Evidence (facts) for the above mentioned finding - which could be extracted form synthesized data, a specific interview, analytics, etc.
Evidence for Research Insight
For valid user experience design decisions, it is important to support your findings with facts from user research. Especially when it comes to communicating your recommendations to your stakeholders. Let's go over the various evidence you can bolster your findings with.
Video/Audio Clips

As UX researchers conduct more and more interviews and meetings online, a significant part of the research is embedded in video files. To help extract important bits out of your videos, UserBit allows researchers to instantly save clips from their video interviews or meetings as Insights.

Participant Quotes

A particularly important highlighted text can be added as an insight. You can add a quote to insight from the Highlights section or from tag details page.


A tag which is basically a collection of quotes (highlight tag) or participants (segment tag) can itself support an important actionable insight. It contains all the relevant text from interviews, notes etc, so it makes sense to have the ability to add a tag directly to an insight.

Participant List

In the Charts section, if you come across a combination of segments that produces a list of participants that are relevant to your insight, you can add that list to your insight as well.

Any chart you produce on UserBit during your analysis, can be added to an existing or new insight as evidence.

Just like analytics charts, any wordclouds you come across in UserBit can also be added as evidence for an insight. You can generate wordclouds both for survey responses and for a tag.

Sharing Insights
Creating and organizing your research findings within your project on UserBit is great. However, the true power of creating these findings is in the ability to communicate them with your stakeholders. UserBit provides you with a variety of ways in which to socialize your findings from your research.
- Add insights to shareable project reports.
- Export insights as PDF to share offline.
- Present insights directly on the platform (like ppt slides).