Updated on May 29, 2024

Permissions on Client Portal

Who can publish to portal?

Only workspace owners and admins can create themes and publish posts on the portal.

What can stakeholders access?

Stakehodlers invited from the Client Portal manager have read-only access to the portal. Specifically they can:

  • ✅ View posts and any of the post assets
  • ✅ Use enabled tags to filter existing post assets
  • ✅ Dive deeper into assets to see assciated participants, interviews, etc.

They won't be able to access:

  • 🚫 Workspace assets
  • 🚫 Repository projects
  • 🚫 Team / Plan / Billing information

What if I have existing team members that I want to restrict to Client Portal only?

Change role to stakeholer
Change role to stakeholer

You may have existing team members that are better suited to have the stakeholder role. To change their role, simply select the "stakeholder" role from the member role dropdown. Existing team members automatically get converted to stakeholders, and will lose their access to the workspace.