Updated on May 29, 2024

Creating client portal posts from an participants

Similar to interviews, you can also publish a dynamic list of participants that match a certain criteria as a post to your Client Portal.

What that means is that you can publish a filter criteria for people, and any participant that matches that criteria (now or in the future) will automatically show up in the post.

Publishing a dynamic list of people on the portal

From the People section, set up segment filters so that it matches your criteria of what you want to publish.

In the example below, we've set our filters to match:

Any participant from suburban area that is in the age group 46 - 60.

Select segment combinations for desired participant list
Select segment combinations for desired participant list

Now we can publish this criteria by using the Publish to Client Portal button under the segment selector.

Publish button for dynamic people list
Publish button for dynamic people list

Once a post is created, it will contain all participants from your repository project that match the criteria. In addition, any future participants that match the criteria will automatically be added to the post on the portal.

Discovery post containing a dynamic list of people
Discovery post containing a dynamic list of people

If we look at the example above, we currently have 8 people matching our example segments which would immediately show up on the discovery post. A week from now, if we add another participant that is tagged with suburban segment in the *age bucket of 46 - 60, they will automatically show up on the post, without us having to re-publish it!

Digging deeper

And as before, your stakeholders can dive into each participant simply by clicking on the relevant row.

What if I wanted to edit the title/description of the post?

When you create a dynamic post, an insight is created behind the scenes within the insights section of the repository project and stored in a special group called Created for discovery.

Specialized insight group created to hold dynamic post insights
Specialized insight group created to hold dynamic post insights

To edit the post, simply edit the title or summary of the relevant insight inside this group, just like you would for a regular insight post.