Updated on February 1, 2023

Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) with Azure

For setting up single sign-on with Azure Active Directory, create a new non-gallery enterprise application for UserBit.

Then in your setup for SAML based single sign-on you'll need the following:

Step 1

Enter entity ID & Reply URL
Enter entity ID & Reply URL
Identifier (Entity ID) : https://userbit.com
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) : https://userbitapp.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/handler

Leave the other optional items blank.

Step 2

Enter entity ID & Reply URL
Enter entity ID & Reply URL

We only require user's name and email, you can leave this as is if you want.

Steps 3 and 4 contain the information we need from you:

  1. Company Name: Something your employees will recognize (Ex: Google, Inc.)
  2. Provider Entity ID: Unique identifier for your Identity Provider. You can get this from step 4
Azure AD Identifier
Azure AD Identifier
3. SSO URL : Your SAML's endpoint. Also found in step 4 of your previous screen.
Login URL
Login URL
4. X.509 Certificate : Must start with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" , and end with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" . You can get it from step 3:
Certificate (Base64)
Certificate (Base64)

Once set up on both ends, employees will be able to use their Azure credentials to log into UserBit.